Cells are the structural and functional unit of our Body. There are certain types of cell present in our body. For Brain construction neural cells are used, these are the special types of cells explained in three divisions:- Cell body, Dendrites and Axon, about this we see in another article.
Human Brain functions as a processing system for the stimulus obtained from outside environment or from our Organ-systems.

Human Brain Cover

Our Brain is soft and delicate structure and its shape seems as walnut. As it is a delicate structure therefore need protection hence it is covered from outside with a bony structure called skull. Whole skull is composed of 22 bones of which 8 bones function in protecting Brain called Cranium. Rest 14 provides Facial structure so called Facial bones.
Inside skull Brain is covered by Cranial Meninges which function as a protective layer. It is of three later, the outer most is Dura mater followed by Arachnoid and innermost is Pia mater. Dura mater is made up of Fibrous tissue which is tough in appearance, while Arachnoid and Pia mater is of thin delicate tissue. Pia mater remain in contact with the brain tissue.
In between Dura mater and Arachnoid some gap is present called Subdural space, while the gap in between Arachnoid and Piamater is called Subarachnoid space this gap is filled with cerebrospinalfluid(CSF) .


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